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Major problems after trying to upgrade to 7

Ran the installer which uninstalled the old version (reboot) and logged back in and it starts to install the new version. Ran into an error 25009 stating that setup failed to create the VMware group and user account on this system. I searched and found some ideas to try and manual create this group and user but for whatever reason I cannot add the vmwareuser to the vmware group.

So after much frustration, I just decide to forgo the whole upgrade and go back to 6.5. Since things seemed screwed up, I decided to use System restore and restore to the previous day. Ran restore and it said it was successful, great or at least I thought so.

Now whenever I try to launch VMware it give me an error: Failed to enable FIPS-mode, check your installation. OK, did some more searching and found I should check for a FipSsigs.dat file but I cannot find this file. Strange things is that I can't even find it on another machine running 6.5 either.

So I try to run the repair option from the 6.5 setup but I get the same user/group error message that I was getting with 7.

I have uninstalled 6.5 now and trying to reinstall ends with the same error about not being able to create the user/groups.

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7 Replies

if you have not already done so run the clean-up-tool from knowledgebase 1308

next run setup with the /c option


next open regedit and delete this keys if they are present





when done check this key


if it exists - delete it

if it does not exist - create it

now reboot another time

run the setup now - and cross your fingers

NEVER change anything with the vmware-accounts with user-administration-tools - don't set passwords or things like that



VMX-parameters- VMware-liveCD - VM-Sickbay

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...


Thank for the help Continuum but no luck Smiley Sad, still getting the error 25009 when it tries to create the user and group.

I did everything you suggested but it looks like I may have some kind of rights related issue (Vista) and yes I do have admin rights. I have tried modifing the rights on the HKLM SAM & Security keys in the registry but it does seem to help.

Even if I manually create the vmware (group) and vmwareuser_ (user), I am unable to make the user part of that group. I get this error when trying ; "One of more errors occurred while recording group membership changes for user vmwareuser_." Second error message follows; "The following error occurred while attempting to save properties for user vmwareuser_.: More data is available."

I can probably do a system restore again to get VMware reinstalled but I still won't be able to run it due to the FIPS-mode error. If I am just missing a file, can anyone help me find it.

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Just a stab in the dark here but do you have Comodo firewall installed on the host OS? I've had a lot of problems with workstation & Comodo running on the host.

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I don't have Comodo but I do have Symantec Endpoint protection. Maybe I will try disabling that and see if it makes a difference.

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Nope, no difference but thanks for the help.

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when logged in as administrator can you browse the keys HKLM\SAM and HKLM\Security ? - if not - fix it and set permissions so that admin and SYSTEM have full access to those keys



VMX-parameters- VMware-liveCD - VM-Sickbay

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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Yup, those were the first keys I checked and I am able to browse both of them and both Admin & System have full access to them too.

I understand about not manually changing the vmware accounts. I only tried to create them manually just to see if I was even able to.

Thanks for all the help but I lost my restore from earlier after doing some cleaning and other programs are now also not functioning correctly. I will probably just rebuild my system today. It's never ran right from the start anyways so this gives me an excuse now.

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