VMware Communities

still not found solution

I have submitted such question some time ago, but somehow I could not find any solution to my problem.

have 2 vm with w98se as guest , (VM Workstation 6)

Both have second harddrive but those harddrives never show up in w98 explorer or can be otherwise used by the guest.

When I look into the device manager, the second drive is here, the icon

on the bottom of the VMware shows the drive being active and used, but

no drive letter is assigned and the drive will not appear in the

windows explorer and files and so on can not be saved to it.

I experimented and only way I could make the drive visible was to

declare it in device manager as removable. Then I was allowed to assign

a drive letter to it and use it. However it can not be used completely,

since certain usage is prohibited apparently by windows guest, for

example such removable drive can not be used for storage of any system

folders like Mydocuments etc.

The drive is formated, has so far extended partition on it and one logical drive, about the same way as one would do it on a hardware PC. I can use the drive partialy, store data to it and retrieve it, but usage of removable media is restricted by windows, so it is not so big use, I would like to have normal drive there.

Any idea why drives do not show up in windows guest? And why they show only when removable?

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4 Replies

As an experiment, can you try to format it from Win98 guest?

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As an experiment, can you try to format it from Win98 guest?<

yes, this works, looks normal this way. Can be used after , but still it has to be removable, thus not fully functioning as hard drive.

0 Kudos

Strange. Can you create a small additional virtual disk (100MB) and go through a format process again?

Does it still need to be removable to be usable? Can you read/write to it?

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OK, tried to add one more disk.

But I will have to try more, since after that the VM crashed while booting to w98se.

I have created a diskf first (#3) and then booted into dos first, run fdisk from there and produced normal partition on the new drive.

From there on the VM refused to start properly, it managed to boot into dos, but not in w98se full. Bluescreen just before GUI of the w98se started.

Will investigate more and see what happends.

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