VMware Cloud Community

VCSA Upgrade to 8


I try to upgrade my vcenter with ISO file, 1 step is ok but after that i can t reach https://X.X.X.X:5480

I connect into the VCSA VM and i see vami-lighttpd listen only into IPV6, i comment the line into lighttpd.conf an,d resta vami service

but the port 5480 still unreachable

Can you help, what i need to do ? 

12 Replies

It seems like you're encountering issues with accessing the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA

Check Firewall Settings: Ensure that there are no firewall rules blocking access to port 5480 on the VCSA. You may need to temporarily disable the firewall or add an exception for port 5480.

Verify Network Connectivity: Confirm that there is network connectivity between your client machine and the VCSA. You can use tools like ping to check connectivity.

if vami-lighttpd listen only into IPV6,check IPv4 Configuration: Ensure that your VCSA is configured properlyduring the first step fo upgrade/deploy.
Check the network settings via the command line to verify that an IPv4 address is assigned and configured correctly.

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Hi thanks for answer

  • Ping from client to  new vcenter is ok 
  • Ping from newvcenter to client is ok
  • Ping from newvcenter to gateway on the same subnet is ok


i can reach the old vcenter on the 5480 port from the same client VM

on the newvcenter ifconfig show good ipv4 adress

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i do this few minute ago into VCSA 8.0

service-control --start --all

and all is good now, very strange behavior, cause i reboot many time vm or vami services


This is really strange behavior, probably during the post-deployment boot the VCSA was unable to start the services correctly
In any case it's better this way! Have a nice day!

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Ok i do new upgrade cause i really have strange behavior here


1 step of upgrade  failed with this message 

The installer is unable to connect to the vCenter Server Management Interface.
Installer log files are located at C:\Users\itjtl\AppData\Local\Temp\8\vcsaUiInstaller


  • Ping from client to newvcenter is KO 
  • Ping from client in same subnet to  new vcenter is OK
  • Ping from newvcenter to client in same subnet is KO
  • Ping from newvcenter to gateway on the same subnet is KO

i can reach the old vcenter on the 5480 port from the same client VM

on the newvcenter ifconfig show good ipv4 adress

i use this commande service-control --start --all but nothing happens

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It seems that you have several network problems, the VAMi on the 5480 (of the old vCenter) is crucial to be able to transfer the data and start the vcsa services correctly, I advise you to delete the new vCenter and start over with the depèloyment procedure (make sure before you can reach everything inside the network)

furthermore, if your old vcenter is still OK, I suggest you, as usual, make a backup from VAMI and, for safety, also make a clone of it before starting again

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i did it many time

I check before upgrade all my network is ok i can reach ESX,Vcenter, during stage 1, it's asking call connectivity test and credential il i have some trouble i can't go to the end of stage 1

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Ok so now i do this 


Comment line where  ipv6 is enable  in /opt/vmware/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 

and all network connectivity is ok

0 Kudos

@Giulian - If you want to disable IPv6 on ESXi, its better to do it via the supported settings, rather than edit the underlying config files.


IPv6 can be disabled either via the DCUI console (as per screenshot below) or by logging into the ESXi host via SSH and running the following command - esxcli network ip set --ipv6-enabled=false




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If you're unable to access the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) management interface (https://X.X.X.X:5480) after upgrading using an ISO file, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

  1. Check Network Configuration:

    • Ensure that the network configuration of the VCSA is correct, including IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS settings.
    • Verify that there are no network issues preventing access to the VCSA management interface from your client machine.
  2. Verify Firewall Settings:

    • Check if there are any firewall rules blocking access to port 5480 on the VCSA. You may need to adjust the firewall settings to allow inbound connections on port 5480.
    • Ensure that the firewall rules allow traffic from your client machine to the VCSA on port 5480.
  3. Restart vCenter Services:

    • Log in to the VCSA via SSH or console.
    • Restart the vCenter services by running the command:
      cssCopy code
      service-control --restart --all
    • Wait for the services to restart and then try accessing the VCSA management interface again.
  4. Check Service Status:

    • Verify the status of the vami-lighttpd service on the VCSA by running the command:
      luaCopy code
      systemctl status vami-lighttpd
    • Ensure that the service is running without errors. If it's not running, try starting it using:
      sqlCopy code
      systemctl start vami-lighttpd
  5. Review vami-lighttpd Configuration:

    • Check the configuration file for the vami-lighttpd service (/etc/vami/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf) to ensure that it's correctly configured.
    • Look for any misconfigurations or errors in the configuration file that may be preventing the service from listening on port 5480.
  6. Check Logs for Errors:

    • Review the logs for the vami-lighttpd service (/var/log/vami/lighttpd/error.log) for any errors or warnings that may indicate the cause of the issue.
    • Look for any specific error messages related to the inability to listen on port 5480 or connection failures.
  7. Verify DNS Resolution:

    • Ensure that the hostname (X.X.X.X) of the VCSA resolves correctly from your client machine. Use nslookup or ping to verify DNS resolution.
  8. Try Accessing from Different Browsers or Machines:

    • Attempt to access the VCSA management interface from different web browsers or client machines to rule out any browser-specific issues or client-side problems.
  9. Consult VMware Support:

    • If you're still unable to access the VCSA management interface after trying the above steps, consider reaching out to VMware support for further assistance and troubleshooting.

By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose and resolve the issue with accessing the VCSA management interface after upgrading using an ISO file.

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If you are at the first step,  at the beggining of the setup it asks for a new temporary IP address, are you trying to access that Address? if not, please try with the temporary address, it happens when the installation is in the middle of the process and you have to finish it. 
At the end it will take the original IP address and hostname. 


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I'd recommend temporarily disabling the VCSA firewall before upgrading. Firewalls can sometimes block the installer from accessing ports like 5480, causing connectivity issues. SSH into the new VCSA, run esxcli network firewall set --enabled false to disable it. Proceed with the upgrade, then re-enable the firewall once complete using --enabled true. This should rule out any blocked ports interfering with the VAMI interface during the upgrade process.

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