VMware Cloud Community

500 gb virtual disks

Hello all,

I have one datacenter with two esx hosts running one vm, 20 TB has been presented to both hosts. During the datastore creation(s) I formatted the LUN's as 256GB 1MB blocks, now when I go to create a virtual disk as 500 gb I get an error stating the size has exceeded the limit and it will be adjusted for me. That is fine except it is resized to 256 GB, I thought the maximum disk size was 2TB? So I have removed all datastores and will re add them as 512 GB and 2MB block size, will that allow me to create 500 gb virtual disks for my VM? If not can anyone tell me how I can create 500 gb disks? I have (20) 1.2 TB LUN's presented to both hosts.

Thank you

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2 Replies

As you said max. size for a disk is 2TB depending on how you created the datatstore given:





As long as you have created it 512GB/2MB then you can create 500GB disks.



Thank you for your reply. This leads me to a second part, what if my hosts have other disks formated at 256gb/1mb? For example the boot lun, and one other datastore for the VMs' OS? All others will be crated as 512gb/2mb. Will I have an issue then? Or how do I specify within the VM to create a virtual disk from the 1.2TB LUN and not elsewhere?

Thank you

I have answered my own question (lol). When you do the same thing for so long you miss small things when they have to be different! I just noticed I have the option to specify the datastore, that I where I choose where to create the disk (duh!).

Message was edited by: espi3030

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