VMware Cloud Community

install of windows xp pro in esx 3.0, it can't find hard drive

We are trying to install windows xp pro on an esx30 system

for the first time, and have it to the point where we get the

install started, get the first screen, and hit 'enter' to install

xp pro.

However, we then get the message that it can't find the

drive, even though the disk drive, which shows up as

hard disk 1 and is the second boot-order device right

behind the cdrom/iso image file.

This is on an ibm 460 (8872).

anyone run into this before, or have any insight into

why this might happen.


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28 Replies


I don't think that Windows XP has the LSI Logic SCSI adapter driver. You can download the LSI driver for XP from LSI logics website and try adding that in during the install process.

Alternatively, you can change the SCSI adapter to BusLogic and try again.



0 Kudos

This is correct change your adapter to use bus logic and your XP machines will find the hard drive. I had this same issue when I installed some XP machines for VDI.

0 Kudos

I tried that, and then when I go into the bios of the device,

it shows the hard drive as 'unknown scsi device'

It doesn't seem to have an option to specify that you want

buslogic instead of lsilogic when the vm is defined, so i had

to change it afterward.

then when I booted, I got the msg that it was changing

the type from lsi to buslogic.

It still didn't recognize the hard drive, although I see it in

the settings box.


0 Kudos

I just went through this process a few days ago. I went to LSI's site and downloaded there most generic scsi driver. After that download a program called winimage use winimage to convert the driver floppy to a IMA file. After that copy it over to the esx server go to floppy properites and select use existing image in data store. Do not select connect the floppy because the vm will try to boot off of it. After that boot the VM hit f6 than go back to the floppy properties and connect the floppy and thats it. I hope they fix this with a service pack not having the driver really sucks. By the way here is the LSI driver I downloaded symmpi_xp_1.20.18

0 Kudos

Make sure when you create the VM that you choose the custom option, this will give you the option to choose your SCSI controller

0 Kudos

While creating VM asign virutal FDD drive with driver image file of SCSI adapter and while setup hit F6 several times. Setup prompt for aditional driver and you can install the driver for LSI Logic.

I always use virtual FDD for driver and virtual CD for OS ISO. Its faster then physical CD and FDD.

0 Kudos

Well, I just had the same problem installing XP in ESX 3.0.

You just need to the the following:

\- Remove files from your floppy disk

\- Download the driver from LSI Logic and at least copy the following files in the ROOT directory of your Floppy Disk:






\- Create a default Windows XP VM.

\- Insert the Windows XP Pro CD.

\- Insert the floppy disk into your server

\- Using the Virtual Infrastructure Client GUI, right Click on the VM and select 'Edit Settings'

\- Click on 'CD/DVD Drive'.

\- On the right side of the window, click on 'Host Device'

\- Select '/dev/cdrom'.

\- On the 'Device Status' area, check: 'Connected' and 'Connected at Power On'

\- Click on 'Floppy Drive'.

\- On the right side of the window, click on 'Host Device'

\- Select '/dev/fd0'.

\- On the 'Device Status' area, check: 'Connected' and 'Connected at Power On'

\- Power On the VM.

\- Hit F2 to configure the Boot sequence to begin with the CD Drive.

\- Save settings and restart

\- The system should start reading the CD.

\- Click in the window and hit 'F6'.

\- Click on 'S' (Specify Additional Device)

\- You should see a window with a similar line highlighted: "LSI Logic PCI Fusion-MPT Driver(XP 32-bit)".

\- Hit 'Enter' to select the option.

\- After a second, it will display the setup window again. Hit 'Enter' to continue.

\- The Windows XP Professional windows will display. Hit 'Enter' to continue.

\- Now, you should be able to see the normal installation wizard for Windows XP.


If you have one of your VMs connected to the Floppy Drive, disconnect it (or power it off) and proceed with the steps.

Hope this helps.

0 Kudos

You can also use the Bus Logic driver provided by VMware.

It is almost impossible to find using the search tools.


scp it into the tmp directory or create a new directory on the VMFS partition.

Just follow the same steps above but before you start, change the SCSI controller to Bus-Logic in the edit properties section of the XP vm.

Whatever your preference.

0 Kudos

can someone email me the flp ?

Charlie Gautreaux vExpert http://www.thickclouds.com
0 Kudos

send me a private message with your email address and I will send them to you

0 Kudos

I have sent the file to you Smiley Wink

0 Kudos


can anyone can send me the flp too??

gianni_maestro at_yahoo_dot_it

0 Kudos


Has anyone managed to get this working on ESX 3.0.1? We have managed to get Windows XP to use the VMware RAID drive floppy but Windows XP Pro still reports it cannot see any disks.

I don't understand why VMware bother putting the O/S option if it does not work?


0 Kudos


Firstly is does work, several thousand VDI instances of XP shows that is does, there are just a few hoops and jumps to go though. Smiley Happy

firstly you need to create your VM to utilise the virtual BusLogic SCSI adapter. then download the driver from the location below and create a virtual floppy image. remember do not set it to attach at startup or the VM will attempt to boot of it.


Once the machine has booted and the OS has started to load start pressing F6, then connect your floppy via the MUI or VC. install the driver.

the install process will then continue and XP will install. I know because I have done it on serveral occasions. Smiley Wink

Tom Howarth VCP / VCAP / vExpert
VMware Communities User Moderator
Blog: http://www.planetvm.net
Contributing author on VMware vSphere and Virtual Infrastructure Security: Securing ESX and the Virtual Environment
Contributing author on VCP VMware Certified Professional on VSphere 4 Study Guide: Exam VCP-410
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I must say, I am having a similar issue with ESX 3.0.1 trying to do an inital install of Win XP Pro. It's the same "cant find any hard drives to install to" issue.

(FWIW: The stand-alone ESX host is a HP DL380 G3 / 12G RAM / 6x72G drives in RAID-5 w/ hot spare on the built-in SmartArray 5i. So a very standard ESX host config)

So far it's done the same thing to me with the following VM attempts;

1st, default LSI SCSI option. Can't see HD

2nd, read the threads, and tired the BusLogic SCSI option. Still can't see HD

3rd, used the "F6" at OS boot and supplied the "vmscsi-" image. It loads the "VMWare SCSI Controller", and then... IT STILL Can't see any HD's.

(Minor Frustration seems to have moved to Significant Frustration at this point)

I'm trying to get a floppy image made of the LSI driver (LSI20320; WHQL Win XP "SYMMPI-" (XP 32-bit)) to try that right now.... hopefully that will work.

I am not clear if the "vmscsi-" is a BusLogic driver or not, so my 3rd try may have been with the VM Hawrdware set to LSI. I will create another one to try both options (LSI / BusLogic) with the vmscsi if I don't get the LSI to work)

(Update: the LSI driver above DID work! wahoo!)

Thanks to the Threads!

0 Kudos

I have a flp that will work if you would like it. Send me you email in a private message and I will send it to you.

Charlie Gautreaux vExpert http://www.thickclouds.com
0 Kudos

I found that when you connect the floppy device to a iso, there already exists in vmimages/floppies a iso called vmscsi1.2.0.4.flp which contains the scsi drivers, so all you have to do is create your virtual machine as per usual, connect the CD-ROM to your XP ISO/Client CD device, mount the floppy, and remember to press F6 where XP picks up your VMWARE SCSI device....

0 Kudos

ben jam bell was dead on the money Smiley Happy

1) Change your SCSI type to BUSLogic

2) Edit the floppy drive in your configuration to

'Use existing floppy in datastore'

\[Browse] \[vmimages] \[floppies] vmscsi-

Check the 'Connect on PowerOn' box

3) When Windows XP is booting, press F6 to install the driver

Press F6, then S, then choose the only option it gives you

4) Ta-da! Hard disk image is now viable.

0 Kudos

Did the flp I sent you work?

Charlie Gautreaux vExpert http://www.thickclouds.com
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