VMware Cloud Community

Unable to start vc service using vc 2.5

Unable to start the virtual center service and we are getting these errors in the vc log.

Any ideas?



7 11:21:43.397 'App' 4804 info] 600-second task lifetime

Couldn't read registry entry vmdbPort

Couldn't read registry entry managedIP

Ignoring unknown entry from DB: AgentUpgrade.maxConcurrentUpgrades

Ignoring unknown entry from DB: Perf.Stats.FilterLevel

Invoking callbacks for key vpxd.npivWwnGeneration.singleNodeWwn

Invoking callbacks for key vpxd.npivWwnGeneration.portWwnNumber

Locale subsystem initialized from C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VirtualCenter Server\locale/ with default locale en.

detected IP conflict between vm (moId:vm-7505) nic:GuestInfo.net[0].ipAddress[0] and entity (moId:vm-7501)

detected IP conflict between vm (moId:vm-10691) nic:GuestInfo.net[0].ipAddress[0] and entity (moId:vm-7501)

Failed to initialize: not well-formed (invalid token)

Failed to intialize VMware VirtualCenter. Shutting down...

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7 Replies

Little more details like what is the VC server operating system and What is the DB (MSSQL, Oracle, MSDE/MSSQL express 2005) and where is the DB running (Same as VC server or a different box) will help us figuring out the issue.

Also understant if you are using a MSDE/Sql Server 2005 Express edition the DB size is limited to 2 GB. These DBs are not supported for Production use if VC. You can fix this issue by compacting the DB.


0 Kudos

Have you recently upgraded VC or changed any permissions on the VC DB?


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Your statement "MSDE/Sql Server 2005 Express edition........, These DBs are not supported for Production use" is not entirely correct.

SQL Server 2005 Express is infact a supported database for environments up to 5 hosts and 50 virtual machines. Infact "VMware recommends Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express for small deployments only (up to 5 hosts and 50 virtual machines)"

This is confirmed on pages 14, 19, and 65 in the "ESX Server 3 and VirtualCenter Installation

Guide Update 2 Release for ESX Server 3.5 and VirtualCenter 2.5"

Source: http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vi3_35/esx_3/r35u2/vi3_35_25_u2_installation_guide.pdf

However.., yes for the most part from experience people usually tend to stick to SQL Standard edition.


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Sorry, more infor provided.

We are using SQL 2005 std with sp2. One of the thing we tried to do was to restore the older database file and it worked. The problem is we don't have the latest backup so is there a way to fix the current database?

How can we fix the current database?



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Another thing. Your log file indicates "detected IP Lab_172.23.101: conflict between vm tvmsvdm06 (moId:vm-7505) nic:GuestInfo.net[0].ipAddress[0] and entity tvmsvdm02"

You should try and correct this error first to rule it out just incase this is contributing to the issue. Are one of these two named server the VC server?

As for the DB. You need to check the permissions on the DB to see if they where the same as before the issue occured, unfortunately I have no access to our companies VC server now so I cant give you a comparison. I am sure some of the other guys on the forum will have this info to hand, ( or know it off by heart Smiley Happy )


0 Kudos

After removing those entries, we got this errors.

008-11-17 12:37:07.639 'App' 4820 info] 600-second task lifetime

Couldn't read registry entry vmdbPort

Couldn't read registry entry managedIP

Ignoring unknown entry from DB: AgentUpgrade.maxConcurrentUpgrades

Ignoring unknown entry from DB: Perf.Stats.FilterLevel

Invoking callbacks for key vpxd.npivWwnGeneration.singleNodeWwn

Invoking callbacks for key vpxd.npivWwnGeneration.portWwnNumber

Locale subsystem initialized from C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VirtualCenter Server\locale/ with default locale en.

VmdbCtxGet: Failed to get /vpx/vm/#7501/_private/managedObjImpl/ (Null cross reference)

Failed to initialize: vmodl.fault.ManagedObjectNotFound

Failed to intialize VMware VirtualCenter. Shutting down...

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

How did you remove these entries? I have only ever seen this error if the database wsa manually edited and all references in the linked tables not removed as well. There is no supported way of editing the database manually, and thus i would recommend restoring the database from a backup and removing the VM's from the VI Client connected to VIrtualCenter instead.



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