VMware Cloud Community

VCenter v5 http access to VSphere server files - slow

Upgraded to VCenter v5.  With v4 we were using  "http access to VSphere server files" to upload vmdk files via HTTP PUT to VCenter's datastore.  The same mechanism with v5 is considerably slower (4 hours vs 30 minutes on v4 for the same file) and my end users are looking to me to get this fixed for them.

I've been through an SR with VCenter and he said I need to open an SR against the SDK so I'm waiting for my administrator to get me on the entitlement to open the SR with SDK.

Anyone run across this and found a way to fix it?

The v5 server is the same one that was the v4 server.  Windows 2008 server same cpu/memory/fiber network.  The network has not changed.  I've sniffed the network and see no issues in the network.  I've looked at the vpxd logs and see nothing that sheds any light there.  NIC is configured as vmxnet3.

Anyone have any troubleshooting ideas?  I've looked at everything I could think of at this point.

One thing I will add is I've used the same http access mechanism to ESX v4 hypervisors just to test them out and they upload in  30 minutes the same file that takes v5 over 4 hours.

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