VMware Cloud Community

installing Hyperic Agent to monitor vCenter Server


I'm having trouble following the instructions to install and configure a Hyperic Agent to monitor vCenter Server.

Software versions are:

VMware vCenter: 5.0.0-455964

ESXi 5.0.0

Hyperic Agent 4.5.3

Hyperic Server 4.5

I found steps to install Hyperic Agent to monitor vSphere are outlined here:


and here:


The instructions say: do not install the Hyperic Agent on the same vm as vCenter.

I've worked only a little with SSL certs.

These are the steps I'm looking for clarification on:

Steps to configure keystore for agent:
<insert steps>
Steps to import vCenter SSL certificate into the agent keystore:
<insert steps>

To discover and manage vSphere Hosts and VMs, the plugin must be able to connect to the vCenter SDK port, so after vCenter is discovered, you must enable the plugin to connect to the SDK port by defining the SDK connection settings on the vCenter server's Configuration Properties page
How do I discover vCenter if I don't install the agent to vSphere? When I look at the agent.properties file, I only see options to configure it to connect to Hyperic server. What am I missing?

Thank you for your time,

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2 Replies

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OK I've upgraded my Hyperic server to 4.6.6

I'm following instructions here to configure agent: http://support.hyperic.com/display/DOCS46/vSphere

Specifically, I find the section on configuring the agent somewhat unclear, in that I actually want to use the automatically generated self signed certificates



Configuration Instructions

Step 1 - Setup Agent Keystore

Please note: I do not want to set up a signed certificate. So I've set accept.unverified.certificates=true

Step 2 - Install Hyperic Agent

It seems that the recommendation is that the agent NOT be installed on vcenter. Fair enough. As a test, I am installing the agent to the Hyperic server, with the idea that I could configure that agent to monitor vcenter. Installing 4.6.6 agent

Step 3 - Configure Agent Properties

Maybe here is where I went wrong. In step 3, does this refer to the keystore from the Hyperic server or from vCenter? I figured since I had accept.unverified.certificates=true, I would not have to populate this.

I started the agent, the Hyperic server was discovered, but not vsphere.

We will only have a few hundred vms at most, I'm thinking I should just go ahead and install the hyperic agent on the vcenter server. I don't see vcenter being automatically discovered, no where in these instructions do I see a way to configure a hyperic agent remote from vcenter, to monitor vcenter: it seems like it should happen automagically but I'm not seeing that.

or am I supposed to figure out how to import unsigned SSL cert from vsphere to agent machine? I do not work with SSL certs often,


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