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DPM Question

My question is if the load in the cluster is reduced and there are 5 esxi hosts in the cluster then out of this 2 hosts load can be handled by remaining hosts so DPM can put both the hosts simultaneously in the standby mode or not? OR it is one by one means firstly put one of them in the standby mode and after certain time another.????????

Regards, Ranjna Aggarwal
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5 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

anyone who can answer this

Regards, Ranjna Aggarwal
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Can't tell you for sure, but from how I understand it, DPM leverages DRS to generate its recommendations and to evacuate the hosts which are not needed and powers off each of these hosts separately after the last VM has been moved to one of the remaining hosts.


PS: Discussion moved from VMware ESXi 5 to vMotion & Resource Management

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

so it can simultaneously put multiple hosts in the standby mode or not?????????

Regards, Ranjna Aggarwal
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Yes, at least that's what I understand from reading Duncan Epping's and Frank Denneman's Clustering Deepdive book. DPM will calculate how many and which hosts can be powered off and will then leverage DRS to migrate the VM's off these hosts simultaneously.

Anyway, I moved the question to the vMotion & Resource Management forum, hoping Duncan Epping comes along and can answer this question for good.


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DPM leverages DRS to migrate the VMs to be able to shutdown the hosts. DPM always leaves 2 host available in order to be able to wake up the in-active hosts if resources are required. It will aggressively power down hosts if energy can be saved. This means that the 2 hosts in your environment will be shutdown by vCenter or DPM generates a power-down recommendation that the administrator needs to acknowledge manually.

Remember the sweet spot for DPM is 67% utilization with a margin of - and + 18%. This means that DPM will consolidate VMs onto a host to have the utilization around this magic number.

As Andre mentioned, more information can be found in our vSphere clustering deepdive book. I recommend you to get the 5.1 one as this contains all the content of 5.0 plus the additional changes of 5.1.

Hope this helps,


Get notification DRS and Storage DRS information by following me on Twitter: @frankdenneman

Blogging: frankdenneman.nl Twitter: @frankdenneman Co-author: vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS technical Deepdive, vSphere 5x Clustering Deepdive series
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