VMware {code} Community

STSService.wsdl xml Schema bug


Vcenter version : 7 or 8

Vmware tool Running, version : 12320

Vm GuestOS : Windows Server 2022


With the SAML token that I received through the STSService service We use the StartProgramInGuest function.

But there is an error in the vmware tools VGAuthService service log records.








[2022-11-09T10:29:27.536Z] [ message] [VGAuthService] requestType: 10(VALIDATE_SAML_BEARER_TOKEN REQ)
[2022-11-09T10:29:27.536Z] [ message] [VGAuthService] username 'Administrator'
[2022-11-09T10:29:27.536Z] [ message] [VGAuthService] validate Only 'FALSE'
[2022-11-09T10:29:27.536Z] [ warning] [VGAuthService] XML Error: Element '{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Condition', attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}type': The QName value '{http://www.rsa.com/names/2009/12/std-ext/SAML2.0}RenewRestrictionType' of the xsi:type attribute does not resolve to a type definition.
[2022-11-09T10:29:27.536Z] [ warning] [VGAuthService] XML Error: Element '{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Condition': The type definition is abstract.
[2022-11-09T10:29:27.536Z] [ warning] [VGAuthService] Failed to validate token against schema
[2022-11-09T10:29:27.536Z] [ message] [VGAuthService] Returning error message '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><reply><sequenceNumber>1</sequenceNumber><errorCode>12</errorCode><errorMsg>validateSamlToken failed</errorMsg></reply>'
[2022-11-09T10:29:27.536Z] [ message] [VGAuthService] ServiceProtoDispatchRequest: processed reqType 10(VALIDATE_SAML_BEARER_TOKEN REQ), returning 0 on connection 3











no access to the website. The file has been removed.

How can I solve this problem? Can you please help?




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