VMware Cloud Community

Error resolving dependencies -- ESXi4 upgrade to Update1

I did an upgrade to Update1 from 4.0 release via vSphere Host Update Utility 3.0 and it all seemed to go well.

At least I thought I did until I went to build a Server 2008 R2 host and noticed that it was listed as experiemental; having built Server 2008 R2 hosts on other U1 hosts I was pretty sure they weren't still considered experimental.

Anyway, I did some digging and found that Update1 did not install completely. I got the tools and the VI client but not the firmware.

I went and re-ran the update, this time using the CLI tools and it errors out with:

"There was an error resolving dependencies.

Requested VIB deb_vmware-esx-firmware_4.0.0-1.9.208167 conflicts with the host"

I tried again with ESXi400-200912001.zip and I got the same error (although with a different build number).

Any clue what these errors mean and what's involved in fixing it?

I'm tempted to take the easy/low road and just do a reinstall; I have the hypervisor on one logical disk and the VMs on another, but I'm a tad worried it will nuke the other VMFS partition during install.

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3 Replies

Do you have some vendor's customized version of ESXi?

Have you tried with the last version of the Host Update Utility?


Andrew | http://about.me/amauro | http://vinfrastructure.it/ | @Andrea_Mauro
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No, this is vanilla ESXi downloaded from VMWare, burned to a disc, checksums tested, and installed.

The version I used was the Update1 Host Update utility (ie, downloaded and installed separately as part of the Update1 client bundle); that's the version I used to install Update1.

I switched the the CLI version because the GUI updater was saying "Update completed successfully" and then apparently silently failing on the dependency error when updating firmware.

I'm guessing at this point it will be reinstall time. I have my boot and data on separate LUNs so hopefully I'll get to skip restoring 1.5 TB of data when I reinstall.

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Just to be sure, mask you data LUN before do the reinstallation Smiley Happy


Andrew | http://about.me/amauro | http://vinfrastructure.it/ | @Andrea_Mauro
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