VMware Cloud Community

split brain hellppP!!(need to move vms off one san to another)

Dear all,

Due to an unfortunate series of problems my 2 sans and 2 esx servers are in a split brained state. Its not the end of the world so far as san1 and esx1(which reside on the same site) are live and contain all good data. However I have one development virtual machine running on esx2 and san2 that I need to move. The replication link between san1 and san2 broke last week and I have physically disconnected it at the moment so it wont start replicating bad data the wrong way round. Anyway, heres my thinking. do you think I could essentiually use vmware converter to reconvert the devserver from one esx server to another? I think this should work....

let me know your thoughts.....



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1 Reply

That could work, or assuming that you have network connectivity to the two servers, you could use WinSCP to copy the disks from ESX2 to ESX1 and then re-create the VM using the existing disks.

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