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Dynamic Thresholds Not Generating?

This might be a simple one...

I have added an Exchange plugin to a Hyperic adapter running on our Exchange server.

I have added the resource to vCOps, and data is being collected fine.

I have checked the resource to make sure that the Dynamic Threshold checkbox is enabled for that resource.

The system has been collecting metrics for a few days, but I still don't see the grey bar that represents the normal range of values. I think this is affecting the health metric for the resource...

Am I missing something? I have tried to run the DT Calculation Info in the Admin/Support menu, and it completes without error.

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?


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2 Replies
Hot Shot
Hot Shot

Can anyone confirm for me the methodology of the dynamic threshold generation.

My understanding is that every 24 hours, the thresholds are re-calculated. A grey bar should appear to show the 'normal' range for a metric.

Sometimes there are yellow boxes around metrics that are outside 'normal' but there are red boxes too. I couldn't find anything in the documentation that explains this functionality well.

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

not exactly

the first time you have introduced a metric, it will take a week (7days) for DTs to come up.