VMware Communities

Lost printing ability

I am running XP inside Fusion. I can print fine from the Mac side. I lost the ability to print from XP. I used to be able to print from XP just fine. Whenever I launch Fusion / XP the XP installed printers are off line. I readied them but I still can't print. I have tried enabling and disabling the printer settings of Fusion with no effect.

Any ideas what to check?

Thank you

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7 Replies

If applicable, have a look at:

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Woody, thanks for that. I can't tell if I was screwed by the Apple security update or not. I had been printing OK, and I am pretty sure I had unchecked the Enable Shared Printers feature under Settings. Both of my printers were prinitng just fine until recently. Last evening I found both printers offline. Reenabling them did nothing, other than produce a cryptic warning in my systray printer icon when I attempted to print. After discovering the problem last evening I uninstalled both printers, rebooted XP, reinstalled both printer drivers, and rebooted. Printing worked just fine. I even shut down XP and rebooted it. This evening I turned the Mac on, launched Fusion/XP and the printers were once again offline. Same problem all over again. Does that sound like the problem caused by the Apple security patch?

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Does that sound like the problem caused by the Apple security patch?

No however check the MD5 sum of /usr/sbin/cupsd and if it's not "b381c745a8f0576614deaa7af3fd71cf" then you don't have the one from the Security Update

In a Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal) copy and paste the following command then press Enter then check the output against the one above.

md5 /usr/sbin/cupsd

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Thanks Woody. The MD5 sum shows I do indeed have the patch causing the problem. However, I understood from your post that my symptoms are not commensurate with the Apple patch caused problem. Would you have any idea what I would neeed to do to further diagnse my printing problem?

I've removed and reinstalled drivers for both my Epson CX7800 and Canon imageClass MF4150. When I launch XP inside Fusion both printers are listed as offlinein the Printers and faxes Settings window. I can renable theEpson and it prints. However, when I renable the Canon it won't print and I get Printer Failed to Print dialogue box. Any ideas?

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Thanks Woody. The MD5 sum shows I do indeed have the patch causing the problem.


However, I understood from your post that my symptoms are not commensurate with the Apple patch caused problem.

I'm sorry however I fail to see how you could possible construe that from what I said since you apparently have the security update installed however that really doesn't matter as much as trying to apply one of the several work-a-rounds in the thread I linked you to originally.

Would you have any idea what I would neeed to do to further diagnse my printing problem?

I've removed and reinstalled drivers for both my Epson CX7800 and Canon imageClass MF4150. When I launch XP inside Fusion both printers are listed as offlinein the Printers and faxes Settings window. I can renable theEpson and it prints. However, when I renable the Canon it won't print and I get Printer Failed to Print dialogue box. Any ideas?

Apply one of the work-a-rounds in

Replacing the cupsd binary is one I'd consider.


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The work arounds don't seem to work around. I have found my own work around as follows. I have two printers installed. They have status icons in the status bar across the bottom of theVMWare guest window that show disabled when I launch the XP guest. I can enable them but the printers show off line in Control Panel. If I cycle the printer power, or else unplug and plug back in the printer USB cable then the printers come back on line and printing works just fine.

The above seems to work whether I have NAT or bridged network set.

Does that sound like the Apple update problem?

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If you are plugging your USB Printers into the Virtual Machine then the Mac OS X Security Update 2009-001 should have no effect on them however if you are plugged into the Mac OS only then they can be effected by the Mac OS X Security Update 2009-001 in that ThinPrint is not going to work in the Guest and why one of the work-a-rounds needs to be use if you are going to use that feature.

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