VMware Communities

8.0.4 Networked Drive loss of connectivity

I went through a very painful round of issues with an XP Guest a year or two ago where Visual Studio products would lose the ability to access networked drives when running in theGuest.

I had to upgrade my development guest to Win 7 to resolve this issue as VMware was unable to resolve the issue.

I just upgraded from 8.0.3 to 8.0.4 and instantly had the same basic problem, compiles would fail due to loss of the networked drive and Visual studio products could no longer reliably access the networked drives.

I downgraded back to 8.0.3 and everything worked again.

I do not know how to proceed.  VMWare completely failed to uncover any issue, or fix anything the last time so I have no faith they will this time.  I am probably going to be locked into 8.0.3 moving forward and I certainly do not have any interest in paying for an incident on an issue that is so clearly a bug of some sort.

Has anyone else seen this kind of problem, and if so, what did you do to resolve it?

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