VMware Cloud Community

VMs getting powered off/Shutdown

We have an vCenter with almost 10000 VMs and several hosts. Last friday, suddenly we see VMs being shutdown. the user is not run any commands or powercli scripts. Its just starts shutdown with the message below in the logs. We had over 2000 VMs shutdown.

info 3/13/2015 7:09:18 AM abc\def           Task: Initiate guest OS shutdown

info 3/13/2015 7:09:15 AM  abc\def           Guest OS shut down for <VM name> on <Host name>

Today it happened again. This time a different user who was logged to vCenter from a remote desktop, but claims he did nothing, but noticed the VMs being shutdown and raised the alarm.

Any idea or have you see this happen?


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1 Reply

Check the log files, they will tell you the answer.

Some quick questions to ask yourself to give you some pointers:

1. Does all VMs that are shut down, reside on the same host, or on several hosts?
If on several then you are more or less guaranteed that it was initated from the vcenter, then check vcenter logs

2. If the event lists shows a user initiated shutdown, you are guaranteed its a user error


Limit user access using the folder structure and set rights within the folder the user/group really need access to, and let them be read only for the rest.

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