VMware Cloud Community

vCenter upgrade issue - "make sure SQL Server Agent service is running"

I'm attempting to upgrade from Virtual Center 2.5 U5 to vCenter 4.0 U1. I'm following the "Upgrading to vCenter Server on a New Machine" method from the vSphere Upgrade Guide. In my current Virtual Center environment, I have a seperate VC server and a seperate MS SQL server.

I have built a new vCenter server running 2008 x64 Std edition. I have also created a 32-bit DSN to my existing SQL server. Both the ODBC connection test passes successfully and the "Agent Pre-upgrade Check" passes successfully.

During the install, I select the correct 32-bit DSN from the dropdown menu and then enter my SQL credentials for my database. I immediately get a pop-up prompting me to verify that the SQL Server Agent service is running. If I click OK, it returns me to the credentials prompt. I cannot get past this. I have verified that I have DBO rights to the MSDB database on the SQL server and that the SQL Agent is in fact running.

Any ideas???


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7 Replies

SQL server and that the SQL Agent is in fact running

That's pretty self explanatory... Log in to the SQL Server machine, look at ALL the services.. there should be a database instance (by name) service AND a similar service called "SQL Server agent". If it's not started... start it!

You can also login via SQL enterprise manager to the SQL instance, and at the bottom of the list there is a SQL agent listed, it should be OFF, just right click and start it (which is the same as starting the service).

If that doesn't work, seek an SQL DBA to help you install / setup the SQL Server agent for that MSSQL instance.

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Thanks for the response...

If you notice from my original posting, i'm using my existing SQL server which works fine and the Agent Pre-upgrade Check passes successfully.

"I have built a new vCenter server running 2008 x64 Std edition. I have

also created a 32-bit DSN to my *existing SQL server. Both the ODBC

connection test passes successfully and the "Agent Pre-upgrade Check"

passes successfully."*

I have verified and had my DBA team verify that the services are running and configured correctly. I have seen another user on this forum with a similiar problem and the resolution was to use different installation media which I have tried with the same results. Any other suggestions?

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IS your SQL server allowed / configured for REMOTE connections?

Also the ODBC does it pass the login test, upon initial configuration? and can you login to the SQL database from SQL enterprise manager with the credential you supplied in the ODBC step?

Your SQL DBA should be able to look at this and find a solution, it would appear it's a SQL issue not a VC issue.

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Any ideas???

There is always the tried and true 'start fresh"..

Create a NEW SQL instance on the SAME SQL server (starting from scratch). shut down the other instance where your VI database is running. Remove the tables (or backup them up) and attach them to the NEW instance.

Configure the ODBC appropriately to the NEW instance, name, and if you get the same result.. I'd say grab (not ask) grab a SQL DBA, and make them take 5 minutes to look at it.. they should run the gambit, SQL enterprise manager, remote connectity a test client from ANOTHER SQL machine.. all of these to make SURE that the SQL instance is accepting connections (tcpip on, etc..).

Yes I KNOW its working now, but the upgrades are really straight forward. If everything is working then it should work easily.

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Good idea... I have a fresh SQL install on another new server. I'm going to attempt to run through the install with a fresh database on a new server. That will either pinpoint or elimate my existing SQL server as the problem.


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Moved to vCenter forum.

Best regards,
Edward L. Haletky VMware Communities User Moderator, VMware vExpert 2009

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Edward L. Haletky
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I had the same issue last time on W2K8 64 bits and found out from our SQL Agent log, vCenter 4.0 server try to connect to SQL server using "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON"".

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